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Bulbophyllum tigridum


Found in Guangdong China, Hong Kong and Taiwan as a very small, warm to cool growing lithophyte on vertical rocks faces in crevasses in mosses needing light shade and regular waterings year round with small ovoid-conical, deeply ridged and grooved, dull deep green pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, coriaceous, shiny, ovate-elliptic, rarely oblong, obtuse, emarginate, or rarely rounded and retuse, obtuse below and narrowing into a conduplicate, petiolate base leaf that will bloom in the fall on a slender, delicate,m 4 to 6 cm long, arcuate, 3 to 8 flowered inflorescence with sub-cymbiform, membraneous, acute floral bracts and carrying an apical umbel of a few flowers held above the leaf.

Bulbophyllum tigridum


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