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Phalaenopsis mariae


A small sized, warm to hot growing epiphytic species that comes from the Philippines and Borneo at elevations around 600 meters on tree trunks and branches in dense shade.

DESCRIPTION: A small sized, warm to hot growing epiphytic species that comes from the Philippines and Borneo at elevations around 600 meters on tree trunks and branches in dense shade with short stems enveloped by imbricating leaf bases and carrying distichous, oblong-ligualte to obovate-ligulate, fleshy, deflexed, acute or obtuse leaves and blooms in the summer on a lateral, pendulous, to 14 [35 cm] long, racemose or paniculate, few to many flowered inflorescence with small, distichous, triangular-ovate bracts and simultaneously opening, slightly fragrant flowers.

FLOWER SIZE: 1 1/2 to 2 inches [4 to 5 cm]

Phalaenopsis mariae

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